Plant Based Santa Barbara

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Easy Peasy Tip: Give Oat Milk a Go

Easy Peasy Tips are simple actions you can take each week to make small shifts to more plant-centered eating that lead to big gains over time. When you’re making changes, it may take a few times to get your taste buds shifted to new flavors, but once you’ve rounded the bend, it’s easy peasy to enjoy!

Oat Milk Latte love from Breakfast on Chapala

Does anyone else dig the new surge in oat milk at coffee shops as much as I do?? If you haven't tried it, this is an easy peasy way to phase out dairy in your coffee or matcha for a super delicious alternative. Local coffee shops like French Press, Breakfast, and Handlebar all tend to serve up this delicious milk. To me, drinking oat milk is like drinking marshmallows...mmmm...lightly sweet and creamy but a health bonus about choosing oat milk is that it doesn't tend to have added sweetener like soy or almond milk often do! It's naturally sweet! Give oat milk a go!